Sunday, September 15, 2024

Understanding Surrogacy Laws in Arizona: Legal Implications and Parenting Options

Feature Article

The Complexities of Surrogacy Laws in Arizona: Legal Implications and Options for Prospective Parents

Surrogacy is an increasingly common method of family building that has gained greater recognition and legal protections in many states. However, Arizona takes a different approach to surrogacy, with laws that strictly prohibit surrogacy contracts and raise significant legal challenges for those pursuing this option as a way to build a family.

The Legal Landscape of Surrogacy in Arizona

Arizona is one of the few states that have not passed comprehensive surrogacy laws, leaving prospective parents and surrogate mothers with a patchwork of legal precedents and interpretations that can vary significantly depending on the details of their situation. Under Arizona law, surrogacy agreements are unenforceable, which means that surrogate mothers retain their parental rights, even after the birth of the child.

This legal framework creates significant difficulties for everyone involved in the surrogacy process. For intended parents, there are considerable risks that the surrogate mother could change her mind after giving birth, refusing to give up custody of the child, or demanding different terms for the proposed arrangement. Surrogate mothers may face challenges in securing compensation, protecting their legal rights, or ensuring their well-being and interests are protected through the pregnancy and delivery process.

The Role of Experienced Family Law Attorneys

Given the legal complexities and challenges of surrogacy in Arizona, it is essential for prospective parents and surrogate mothers to work with experienced family law attorneys who understand the nuances of this area of law and can provide comprehensive legal guidance and support. At Colburn Hintze Maletta, our attorneys have years of experience handling surrogacy cases and can help clients navigate the legal landscape, mitigate risks, and protect their interests throughout the process.

Our attorneys can provide a range of services, including:

  • Reviewing and drafting contracts between intended parents and surrogate mothers
  • Advising clients about their legal rights and responsibilities
  • Navigating complex medical and legal procedures required in surrogacy
  • Representing clients in court when necessary, such as in cases of disputes or challenges to legal parentage

Exploring Other Options for Family Building

While surrogacy is one option for prospective parents seeking to build their families, it is not the only option, and there are other methods available that may better suit the needs and preferences of individuals or couples. These include:

  • Adoption
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • Invitrofertilization (IVF)
  • Egg or sperm donation

Each of these methods has its advantages, challenges, and legal considerations, and it is essential for anyone considering them to work with experienced attorneys who can provide comprehensive guidance and representation.

Working with Colburn Hintze Maletta

If you are a prospective parent or surrogate mother and are considering pursuing surrogacy or another family building method in Arizona, it is crucial to have experienced legal support on your side. At Colburn Hintze Maletta, we can provide the guidance, advocacy, and advice you need to navigate the legal complexities of surrogacy and other family building options effectively.

With our extensive experience and track record of success, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals and build the families they desire. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you in your family building journey.

Arizona Surrogacy, Prospective Parents

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Feature Article

Defending Against Child Molestation Allegations in Arizona

Child molestation is a serious crime that carries substantial penalties, including potential prison time. A conviction for child molestation can result in a criminal record, difficulties with employment, and restrictions on where you may reside. When faced with such an accusation, taking an active role in your own defense is critical. In this feature article, we will explore the steps you can take to defend against child molestation allegations in Arizona.

Understanding the Allegation

The first step in mounting a successful defense is to understand the specific allegations being made against you. Child molestation allegations may include various forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, child pornography, or indecent exposure. Understanding the specific allegations can help you develop a defense strategy that is tailored to your case.

Working with an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

Child molestation cases can be complex and require the skills of an experienced criminal defense attorney. It is important to find a lawyer who has experience defending clients against charges of child molestation and who has a deep understanding of Arizona criminal law.

Building a Strong Defense

Building a strong defense against child molestation allegations requires a thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the case. Your attorney may conduct interviews with witnesses, review medical or psychological records, and examine physical evidence. By gathering as much information as possible, your attorney can develop a defense strategy that is based upon the facts of your case.

Challenging the Prosecution's Evidence

The prosecution in a child molestation case will likely present evidence to support the charges against you. However, that evidence may be subject to challenge. Your attorney may seek to exclude certain evidence from being considered at trial or may challenge the admissibility of evidence based on its accuracy or relevance. By challenging the prosecution's evidence, you can weaken their case against you.

Plea Bargaining

In some cases, it may be in your best interest to accept a plea bargain. A plea bargain is an agreement between you and the prosecution in which you plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence. Your attorney can evaluate the strength of the prosecution's case and negotiate with the prosecutor to arrive at a plea bargain that is in your best interest.

Going to Trial

If a plea bargain is not in your best interest, you may elect to take your case to trial. At trial, the prosecution will be required to prove the charges against you beyond a reasonable doubt. Your attorney will present your defense and seek to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. A successful defense at trial can result in an acquittal, meaning that you will not be convicted of the charges against you.


If you have been accused of child molestation in Arizona, it is essential to take an active role in your own defense. Understanding the specific allegations, working with an experienced lawyer, building a strong defense, challenging the prosecution's evidence, and considering plea bargaining or going to trial can all play critical roles in the outcome of your case. By taking the steps necessary to defend yourself, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive a fair and just outcome in your case.

child molestation allegations in Arizona

Monday, September 9, 2024

The High Divorce Rate among First Responders: Understanding the Emotional Toll of the Job

Investigative Article

The High Divorce Rate Among First Responders: Uncovering the Root Causes

It's well-known that first responders face a wide range of challenges while on the job, from emergencies and life-or-death situations to long hours and exposure to trauma. It's also a known fact that the divorce rate for first responders is higher than the national average. But what are the underlying factors that contribute to this trend? In this investigative article, we'll delve deep into the issue to uncover the root causes of the high divorce rate among first responders.

The Impact of Trauma Exposure

One of the most significant challenges that first responders face is exposure to trauma, which can have a lasting impact on their mental health and personal relationships. Research has found that first responders are at a higher risk for developing PTSD, depression, and other mental health issues due to the nature of their work. These conditions can have a profound effect on their interpersonal relationships and may contribute to divorce.

The Toll of Long Hours and Shift Work

First responders often work long hours and irregular shift schedules, which can make it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This can lead to feelings of isolation, fatigue, and stress, which can put a strain on marriages and relationships. Additionally, some spouses may find it difficult to cope with the demands of their partner's job, leading to feelings of resentment and conflict.

The Influence of Occupational Culture

The culture of the first responder occupation can also play a role in the high divorce rate. In some cases, first responders may feel pressure to prioritize their work over their personal lives, leading to a neglect of their relationships and emotional needs. Additionally, the machismo culture that pervades some departments may discourage first responders from seeking help for mental health issues or expressing vulnerability, further contributing to relationship strain.

The Stigma Surrounding Counseling and Therapy

Despite growing awareness of the importance of mental health care, many first responders may still feel hesitant to seek counseling or therapy due to the perceived stigma surrounding mental health issues. This can prevent them from getting the help they need to cope with stress and trauma and may also contribute to relationship breakdowns.

The Importance of Support and Resources

While the high divorce rate among first responders is undoubtedly a complex issue with multiple factors at play, there are steps that can be taken to support first responders and their relationships. Departments and employers can prioritize mental health care and provide resources for counseling and therapy. Spousal support groups can provide a safe space for partners to connect and share their experiences. And first responders themselves can make an effort to prioritize their relationships and emotional well-being and seek help when necessary.

De Novo Law's Tailored Support for First Responders

At De Novo Law, we understand the unique challenges faced by first responders and their families. That's why our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics. Our experienced attorneys can provide legal guidance and support for first responder divorces, and we also offer mental health counseling services to help first responders and their partners cope with the impact of their work. With the right support and resources, we believe that first responders can maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships and thrive both on and off the job.

first responder divorce

Monday, August 12, 2024

Arizona Prescription Drug Fraud Defense | Kolsrud Law Offices

Feature Article

Prescription drug fraud is a serious crime that can result in severe legal repercussions. Individuals who have been charged with this crime may face jail time, hefty fines, and a criminal record that will follow them for the rest of their lives. In this feature article, we will delve into the subject of prescription drug fraud, including its different types, how common it is, the penalties that come with committing the offense, potential red flags on a controlled substance prescription, and what to do if you have been charged with the crime.

Types of Prescription Fraud

Prescription drug fraud is a type of white-collar crime that involves the unlawful acquisition, possession, or distribution of prescription medication. There are numerous forms of prescription drug fraud, but some of the most common include:

  • Forged prescriptions: Forging prescriptions is a type of prescription drug fraud that involves the creation of a fake prescription. A person may alter an existing prescription or create a new one altogether.
  • Pharmacy theft: Pharmacy theft is the act of stealing prescription drugs. This can happen at different stages, including during transport, storage, or the retail pharmacy itself.
  • Doctor shopping: Doctor shopping is the practice of visiting multiple doctors to obtain more drugs than would be prescribed by one healthcare provider.
  • Diversion fraud: Diversion fraud involves the illegal sale or distribution of prescription drugs obtained from a legitimate source, such as a hospital or pharmacy.

How Common is Prescription Fraud?

The opioid epidemic that has swept the United States has led to an increase in prescription drug fraud. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), prescription drug abuse is responsible for the deaths of more than 17,000 Americans each year. The NIDA also reports that prescription drug abuse costs the country approximately $78.5 billion annually in healthcare costs, lost productivity, and criminal justice expenses.

Penalties for Prescription Drug Fraud

Prescription drug fraud is taken very seriously by law enforcement agencies, and the penalties can be severe. Depending on the circumstances of the case, a person convicted of prescription drug fraud may face the following consequences:

  • Up to 20 years in prison
  • Fines of up to $1 million
  • Asset forfeiture
  • Probation or parole
  • Criminal record
  • Professional consequences (loss of license, for example)

Potential Red Flags on a Controlled Substance Prescription

Doctors and pharmacists are responsible for ensuring that controlled substances, such as opioids, are distributed correctly and legally. There are certain red flags that may signal prescription drug fraud, including:

  • Requests for early refills or high doses
  • Patients traveling long distances for medication
  • Patients using cash instead of insurance
  • Patients who don't have a regular doctor or pharmacy
  • Patients who have a history of drug abuse

What to Do If You Have Been Charged with Prescription Drug Fraud

If you have been charged with prescription drug fraud, it's essential to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. A federal defense attorney can help you understand the charges against you, your legal rights, and your options for defense. Some possible defense strategies may include claims of mistaken identity, lack of intent, or insufficient evidence. It's important to note that each case is unique and requires careful analysis by an experienced lawyer.


Prescription drug fraud is a serious crime that can result in significant legal consequences. Despite the severe penalties, prescription drug abuse and fraud continue to be a growing concern in the United States. It's crucial for physicians, pharmacists, and patients to be vigilant and aware of the red flags associated with prescription drug fraud. If you have been charged with prescription drug fraud, it's essential to seek legal help as soon as possible. A federal defense attorney can help you navigate the legal system and find the best possible outcome for your case.

Arizona Prescription Drug Fraud Defense-Prescription, Arizona

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Understanding Phantom DUI Checkpoints and Your Rights: An Overview

Investigative Article

A Closer Look at Phantom DUI Checkpoints: Uncovering the Legalities and Your Rights

Driving under the influence (DUI) is considered a serious offense in many states, and law enforcement agencies have been stepping up their efforts to apprehend impaired drivers. One of the common strategies used to catch drunk drivers is the use of sobriety checkpoints, which are set up along public roads to catch drivers who may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, there's another tactic being employed by some police departments, and it's called the phantom DUI checkpoint. In this investigative article, we'll take a closer look at this strategy and explore its legal standing and how to handle it if you ever encounter one.

What Are Phantom DUI Checkpoints?

A phantom DUI checkpoint is a strategy utilized by law enforcement agencies to create the illusion of an active sobriety checkpoint. Instead of stopping vehicles and checking drivers for impairment, police officers park their vehicles visibly alongside a road, put up signs and use flashing lights to create the impression of an active checkpoint, without actually performing any stops or checks. The goal is to deter drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel, as they perceive the risk of getting caught to be higher.

Are Phantom DUI Checkpoints Legal?

Whether phantom DUI checkpoints are legal has been a topic of debate in the legal community. The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures, and the Supreme Court has ruled that sobriety checkpoints are legal as long as certain guidelines are followed. However, these guidelines include stopping every vehicle, using uniformed officers, and clearly marking the checkpoint to alert drivers.

On the other hand, there is some gray area when it comes to phantom DUI checkpoints. Since police officers are not stopping every car, some legal experts argue that these checkpoints may violate the Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. However, others point out that the visible presence of law enforcement is itself a deterrent to drunk drivers, and that phantom checkpoints may be constitutional as long as they do not involve actual vehicle stops.

What Are Your Rights When Encountering a Phantom DUI Checkpoint?

Since phantom DUI checkpoints are not technically checkpoints where officers stop every vehicle, motorists may be unsure of their rights when encountering one. While the legal standing of phantom checkpoints is not entirely clear, all drivers have basic rights when interacting with law enforcement.

First and foremost, you have the right to remain silent. If an officer approaches you and asks questions about your activities or whereabouts, you are not obligated to answer. However, it's essential to remain calm and respectful, as any confrontational behavior can escalate the situation unnecessarily.

You also have the right to refuse searches of your person or vehicle. If an officer asks to search your vehicle or requests that you submit to a breathalyzer test, you can decline. However, keep in mind that the consequences of refusing a breathalyzer test can be severe, including license suspension and fines, so it's important to weigh your options carefully.

If you believe that your rights have been violated during a phantom DUI checkpoint encounter, it's essential to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney. They can help you understand your legal options and how to proceed.


Phantom DUI checkpoints are a strategy used by some law enforcement agencies to deter drunk driving by creating the illusion of an active sobriety checkpoint. While the legal standing of these checkpoints is murky, all motorists have basic rights when interacting with law enforcement officers. If you ever encounter a phantom checkpoint, it's crucial to understand your rights and how to handle the situation calmly and respectfully.

For more information about phantom DUI checkpoints and your rights, visit Arja Shah Law.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Child Support Obligations: Can You Stop Paying If You Don't See Your Kids?

Opinion Article: Should Parents Stop Paying Child Support if They Don't See Their Kids?


When a couple with children decides to divorce or separate, child support payments are often put in place to ensure the well-being of the children involved. However, what happens when a parent no longer sees their kids? Can they stop paying child support? This is a complex and often controversial issue, and there are arguments for both sides.

The Ethics of Stopping Child Support Payments

Some parents argue that if they are no longer seeing their children, they should not be obligated to financially support them. After all, child support payments are intended to provide for the child's basic needs and help maintain their standard of living. If a parent is no longer part of the child's life, why should they continue to bear that financial burden? However, this argument rests on the assumption that the only reason for paying child support is to cover basic needs. In reality, child support is intended to ensure that children have access to the same standard of living they would have had if their parents had not separated. This can include things like extracurricular activities, vacations, and college tuition. If a parent stops paying child support, they are not only failing to support their child's essential needs, but they are potentially depriving them of important opportunities and experiences.

The Legal Obligations of Child Support Payments

Legally, the obligation to pay child support is not dependent on whether or not a parent has contact with their child. Child support orders are based on various factors, including the income of both parents, the number of children, and the time the child spends with each parent. Just because a parent is not seeing their child does not mean they are not still responsible for their financial well-being. Violating a child support order can result in legal consequences, including wage garnishment, fines, and even jail time. It is crucial for parents to seek legal advice if they are struggling to make child support payments, rather than simply stopping them.

The Emotional Impact of Stopping Child Support Payments

Beyond the legal and financial aspects, stopping child support payments can have a significant emotional impact on both the parent and the child. For the parent, failing to meet their financial obligations can lead to guilt and shame. For the child, it can feel like a rejection, and can damage their sense of self-worth and security. It's crucial for parents to remember that even if they are not seeing their child, they are still an important figure in their lives. Financial support is just one way that a parent can show their love and commitment to their child.

Compromise and Alternative Solutions

In some cases, it may be possible for parents to come to a compromise or alternative solution regarding child support. For example, if a parent is not seeing their child due to a custody dispute, they may be able to negotiate a new custody arrangement that satisfies both parties. If a parent is struggling financially, they may be able to come to an agreement with the other parent about lowering the child support payments. It's important to remember that the ultimate goal of child support is to ensure the well-being of the child. If parents can put aside their differences and work together to find a solution that benefits everyone involved, both they and their child will be better off.

The Importance of Seeking Legal Advice

If a parent is considering stopping child support payments, it is crucial that they seek legal advice first. There may be options available to them that they are not aware of, or consequences that they have not considered. An experienced family law attorney can help a parent understand their legal obligations and rights, and can provide guidance on how to navigate difficult family situations. They can also advocate for the parent in court, if necessary.


At the end of the day, there is no clear-cut answer to the question of whether parents should stop paying child support if they don't see their kids. However, it's important for parents to remember that child support is not just about covering basic needs – it's about providing for their child's overall well-being and ensuring that they have access to the same opportunities as their peers. If a parent is struggling to make child support payments, they should seek legal advice and explore alternative options, rather than simply stopping payments. Child Support in Custody Matters-Child,Custody

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Investigative Articles

Human trafficking is a heinous crime that plagues society's most vulnerable individuals, particularly children, women, and labourers. Arizona, like the rest of the nation, continues to face the challenge head-on and make strides in combating human trafficking. Understanding Arizona's human trafficking laws is critical because it allows you to recognise, avoid and potentially stop human trafficking.

What is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the exploitation of individuals for forced labour or commercial sex. While trafficking is often associated with cross-border movements, trafficking can also occur within the country's borders. Victims are often coerced or deceived into exploitation and cannot leave their situation without significant risk to themselves or their loved ones.

Arizona's Human Trafficking Laws

Arizona's human trafficking laws expressly criminalise a wide range of human trafficking offences, including: sex trafficking, labour trafficking, child sex trafficking, trafficking of children, and trafficking of vulnerable adults. Arizona law enforcement officials are empowered to investigate and prosecute individuals or organisations that engage in trafficking activities. Anyone found guilty of human trafficking in Arizona is subject to a prison sentence, probation, and fines.

The Punishment for Human Trafficking

The punishment for human trafficking depends on the severity of the crime. In Arizona, sex trafficking is punished more severely than labour trafficking. If found guilty of sex trafficking, the offender may face a sentence of up to life in prison. If found guilty of labour trafficking, the offender may face a sentence of 5 to 25 years in prison.

Arizona's Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

The demand for human trafficking encourages and maintains the trafficking industry. Arizona has implemented several strategies to address the demand side of human trafficking. Over the last decade, Arizona has also established resources for victims of exploitation, including emergency housing, medical and legal services, and counselling. Furthermore, Arizona has implemented education and training programmes aimed at raising public awareness about human trafficking and how to prevent it.

Reporting Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is challenging to detect and investigate, but it is critical to report it for your safety and the safety of others. The National Human Trafficking Hotline is an excellent resource for reporting trafficking activities or seeking assistance. The organisation can be reached at 1-888-373-7888, and your call could help save lives.

The Importance of Understanding Human Trafficking Laws

Comprehending Arizona's human trafficking laws will equip you to recognise and report potential trafficking activities. Knowledge of these laws assists in preventing trafficking by decreasing the demand and encouraging community involvement in reporting trafficking activities. Arizona's human trafficking laws also supply victims of trafficking with the resources and services they require to recover, rebuild, and reintegrate into society.


Human trafficking is a despicable crime that continues to create misery for those exploited. It is critical to understand Arizona's human trafficking legislation because it aids in the prevention of trafficking activities and the safeguarding of vulnerable communities. Everyone must unite to reduce the demand for human trafficking and eradicate the practice forever.

Arizona Human Trafficking Laws Explained-

Monday, June 3, 2024

What to do if your Ex won't Sell the House: Expert Advice from De Novo Law

Feature Article

When Love Ends, The Battle For The House Begins

Breaking up is hard to do. But when you own a property with your ex-partner, an already tough situation turns into a nightmare. One of the most common issues that arise during a separation is the division of assets, and one of the most disputed is the family home. It's not uncommon for a spouse or domestic partner to refuse to sell the house, forcing the other party to seek legal advice and look for ways to resolve the issue.

What Can You Do If Your Ex Refuses To Sell The House?

It's important to understand your legal rights when you find yourself in this situation. Fortunately, there are several options available, and it's not always necessary to go to court. Here are some of the ways you can resolve the issue:

Option 1: Negotiation

If possible, it's always best to try and reach an agreement outside of court. This not only saves time and money but also helps you maintain an amicable relationship with your ex-partner. Negotiation can involve various options, such as offering to buy out your ex's share of the property, agreeing to a sale price that works for both of you, or establishing a timeline to list the property for sale. A family law attorney can help you understand your options and negotiate on your behalf.

Option 2: Mediation

If you're having trouble reaching an agreement through negotiation, you may want to consider mediation. A mediator is a neutral third party who can help facilitate a conversation between you and your ex-partner. They can help you identify your goals, find common ground, and work toward a resolution that works for both parties. The main benefit of mediation is that it's a confidential process that allows you to maintain more control over the outcome compared to going to court.

Option 3: Court Proceedings

If negotiations and mediation fail to resolve the issue, your only recourse may be to take the matter to court. This is often the most expensive and time-consuming option, but it may be necessary if your ex is unwilling to cooperate or is acting unlawfully. Your family law attorney can guide you through the court process and present your case in front of a judge, who will ultimately decide on the outcome. Keep in mind that court proceedings can be emotionally draining and stressful, and they also come with no guarantees.

Option 4: Unilateral Action

If you're at your wits' end and believe that your ex is acting unlawfully, you may want to explore unilateral action. This typically involves seeking a court order that forces your ex-partner to sell the property. You will need to provide evidence that shows your ex is acting unreasonably or is causing financial harm, such as refusing to pay the mortgage or maintenance costs. While this option is available, it's often a last resort and should only be pursued after consulting with a family law attorney.

Option 5: Legal Separation

If you're not yet divorced and you and your ex-partner can't agree on what to do with the family home, you may want to consider getting a legal separation. This essentially creates a legal structure that allows you to live separately while still being legally married. A legal separation can help you resolve property and child custody issues. It can also help you determine what will happen to the family home if you decide to get divorced.

Option 6: Partition Action

If you and your ex-partner own the property as tenants in common, you may want to consider a partition action. This is a legal process that allows you to force the sale of the property, even if your ex doesn't agree. A partition action can be an expensive and time-consuming process, but it may be necessary if you're unable to reach an agreement any other way.

Option 7: Buyout Your Ex's Share

If you're determined to keep the family home, you can always consider buying out your ex's share of the property. This involves negotiating a specific buyout amount and paying the funds to your ex either in a single lump sum or through a payment plan. If it's not possible to come up with the funds on your own, you may need to consider refinancing the mortgage or applying for a loan.

It's important to consider your financial situation and to seek legal advice before making any major decisions about the family home. Remember, there are options available; it's just a matter of finding the one that works best for you and your ex-partner.

For more information about dealing with the issue of an ex-partner refusing to sell a shared property, contact De Novo Law at 480-802-8232. Our team of experienced family law legal paraprofessionals can help you understand your options and work toward a peaceful resolution.

Ex Refuses to Sell the House - Options

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Field Sobriety Tests in Boating DUIs: A Look at their Usage in Arizona

Feature Article: Exploring Field Sobriety Tests in Boating DUI Cases

Picture yourself on a warm summer day, cruising along a lake or river with friends or family. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and the water is calm. But what happens when that peaceful day on the water takes a dangerous turn due to an OUI offense? Boating while under the influence of drugs or alcohol can have serious consequences, including legal repercussions, accidents, and even fatalities. In this article, we'll explore the use of field sobriety tests in boating DUI cases.

The Legality of Boating Checkpoints

In Arizona, law enforcement agencies have the authority to set up boating DUI checkpoints, similar to roadside sobriety checkpoints for drivers. These checkpoints are designed to systematically check boaters for signs of intoxication and are legally upheld under guidelines that ensure they are conducted fairly. While some may argue that these checkpoints infringe on personal freedoms and are a waste of taxpayer money, many others see them as a necessary tool in keeping waterways safe from reckless boaters.

Understanding Field Sobriety Tests

One of the primary tools used by law enforcement at boating checkpoints are field sobriety tests. These tests generally fall into three categories:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN): A test where an officer observes the voluntary jerking of a person's eyes, looking for any signs of nystagmus, or involuntary jerking of the eyes, which can be an indication of impairment.
  • Walk and Turn (WAT): A test where an individual is asked to take nine heel-to-toe steps in a straight line, turn on one foot, and take nine more heel-to-toe steps back down the line. Officers are evaluating the individual's ability to follow instructions, balance, and maintain a smooth gait.
  • One-Leg Stand (OLS): A test where an individual is asked to stand on one leg while raising the other leg approximately six inches off the ground and counting out loud for a specific amount of time. Officers will look for any signs of swaying, hopping, or using arms for balance, which can be indications of impairment.

The Effectiveness of Field Sobriety Tests in Boating DUI Cases

While field sobriety tests can be effective tools in identifying impaired boaters, they are not foolproof. There are a number of factors that can affect test results, including medical conditions, nervousness, fatigue, and even the weather conditions on the water. Additionally, officers evaluating test results may have varying levels of training and experience, which can also impact the accuracy of test results.

That said, the use of field sobriety tests has been validated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and have been upheld by courts in cases involving both driving and boating under the influence. It's important to note, however, that field sobriety tests should be just one piece of evidence used to determine whether or not an individual is impaired.

The Consequences of Boating Under the Influence

The consequences of boating under the influence can be severe. Individuals who are caught boating while impaired may face fines, jail time, and even the revocation of their boating license. Additionally, impaired boaters are at a much higher risk for accidents, injuries, and fatalities on the water, putting not only themselves but also other boaters, swimmers, and bystanders in danger.

The Importance of Boating Safety

Boating is a fun and enjoyable activity that should be conducted safely and responsibly. This means avoiding drugs and alcohol while operating a boat, wearing life jackets, being aware of weather conditions, and following all boating rules and regulations. By taking boating safety seriously, we can all help to prevent accidents and tragedies on the water.

Contact an Experienced Boating DUI Attorney

If you or someone you know has been charged with a boating DUI offense, it's important to contact an experienced attorney who can help protect your rights. The Law Offices of Arja Shah handles boating DUI cases and provides high-quality legal representation to clients throughout Arizona. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help defend your case.

Field Sobriety Tests in Boating DUI

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Preston Lord's Death: Community Awaiting Arrests and on Edge

Feature Article

Community on Edge as Arrests Awaited in Preston Lord’s Death

In January of 2024, the community of Queen Creek, Arizona, was rocked by the tragic death of Preston Lord. Three months later, the community is still waiting for arrests to be made in connection to the case, and tensions are running high. The lack of progress in the case has left many feeling frustrated and fearful. This feature article will explore the details of the case, the impact it has had on the community, and the potential outcomes.

The Facts of the Case: What We Know

Preston Lord was a beloved member of the Queen Creek community, and his death has left many in shock. According to police reports, Lord was found dead in his home on the evening of October 22nd, 2023. The cause of death is still unknown, but investigators believe foul play was involved.

25 days ago, charges were referred to the county prosecutor’s office, but no arrests have been made. The lack of progress in the case has led many community members to question the authorities and demand justice for Preston Lord.

The Community Reacts: Fear and Frustration

The lack of progress in the case has left many in the Queen Creek community feeling fearful and frustrated. Some have taken to social media to express their concerns, while others have organized protests and rallies to demand action.

The prolonged investigation has also had a ripple effect on the mental health of the community. Residents report feeling anxious and on-edge, with many struggling to cope with the uncertainty and fear surrounding the case.

The Potential Outcomes: Justice for Preston Lord

While the lack of progress in the case is certainly concerning, there is still hope for justice for Preston Lord. The county prosecutor’s office is continuing to review the charges, and it is possible that arrests could be made in the near future.

Community members are also taking action to keep the pressure on the authorities and ensure that the case remains in the public eye. By advocating for justice, the community can help ensure that Preston Lord’s memory is honored and that those responsible for his death are held accountable.

The Importance of Community Support in Times of Tragedy

The case of Preston Lord’s death underscores the critical role that community support plays in times of tragedy. The outpouring of grief and support from the Queen Creek community has been a source of strength for many in the wake of this tragedy.

Community members have come together to mourn Lord’s passing, to offer support to his loved ones, and to demand justice. By standing together, the community is sending a powerful message that they will not rest until justice is served.

The Need for Accountability and Closure

At the heart of the community’s demands for justice is a deep need for accountability and closure. While the investigation into Preston Lord’s death is ongoing, the community is left in a state of limbo. Without closure, there can be no healing.

By advocating for justice and keeping the case in the public eye, the community is taking an important step towards closure. Only when those responsible for Preston Lord’s death are held accountable can the community begin to move forward, and honor Lord’s memory with the love and respect he deserves.


The case of Preston Lord’s death has had a profound impact on the Queen Creek community, leaving many fearful, frustrated, and anxious. While progress has been slow, there is still hope for justice, thanks to the efforts of community members advocating for accountability and closure.

As the investigation into Lord’s death continues, it is important that the community remains united and dedicated to the cause of justice. Only when those responsible for Lord’s death are brought to justice can the community begin to heal, and honor Lord’s memory with the love and respect he deserves.

Justice for Preston Lord-Arrests